We make data products to serve all industries across the country

Example Industries
Pharma industry has a unique challenge to figure out composition of salts, brands and name of the molecule from long documentation of thousands of orders. It uses our deep search & mapping technology to arrive at the correct composition of molecules to determine the ability to fulfil an order. This saves our pharma customers thousands of hours in a fiscal year and makes them efficient and more focused.
Fabrication industry is rife with custom specification of items which are typically buried in deep documentation. They utilize our phrase matching technology to arrive at the right specification sections within plethora of information. This has enabled them to reject a lot of loss making orders.
Services is a highly competitive industry. With our competitive analysis and ability to follow and monitor a competitor's each move, bid and activity. With our specific insight into the kind of companies their competitors are bidding for. This has enabled them to make a lot of inroads into their competitor's businesses.
Consumer Electronics
Consumer Electronics is a very price sensitive industry with thin unit margins. They utilize our specific pricing analytics to determine the correct price based on past trends, market dynamics and competitive intelligence.